



Access to Knowledge Conference (A2K3)

Organized by ICTSD, the Yale Law School Information Society Project, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI), Fundacio Getulio Vargas School of Law, Electronic Information for Libraries (eIFL.net), The International Federation of Library Associations, Library Copyright Alliance and 3D, IQsensato

Geneva, Switzerland, 8th - 10th September 2008

Description | Flyer


The last several years have witnessed the coalescing of the Access to Knowledge (A2K) social movement that champions human rights, human development, and the public interest as the focal points of innovation and information policy. A2K is essential for promoting human rights, economic and cultural development, innovation, individual freedom, and creativity.

It is in this vein that ICTSD proudly co-organized the Third Access to Knowledge Conference (A2K3) in conjunction with several leading institutions, including the Information Society at Yale Law School. Held from 8-10 September in Geneva, this international, high-level conference brought together scholars, policymakers, industry, and civil society to discuss key issues in global knowledge policy.

Conference topics ranged from the history, impact, and future of the global A2K movement, to the relationship between A2K and human rights, and A2K and the WIPO Development Agenda. The agenda also included panel discussions on the impact of international trade rules on A2K; copyright exceptions and limitations in the information society; open business models; research and capacity building for A2K; prizes as alternatives to intellectual property monopolies; promoting open access to science and research; technologies of access such as community wireless, open source, and open standards; and public mobilization in the networked and digital global public sphere.

ICTSD’s participation in the conference, as not only organizers but also moderators, reflects the institution’s renowned expertise, particularly in the fields of trade and development. Senior ICTSD Fellow Miguel Rodriguez Mendoza served as the moderator for the conference’s panel on A2K and international trade. This panel sought to systematically examine and identify positive and negative linkages between A2K and international trade and other trade disciplines, such as tariffs, trade in services, investment, and government procurement.

Ahmed Abed Latif, ICTSD’s Intellectual Property Programme Manager, acted as the moderator on a panel that examined the Access to Knowledge aspects of the WIPO Development Agenda. This session considered both the antecedents of the various recommendations, as well as the implementation opportunities and challenges.

Mr Latif’s presentation on the Genesis of A2K as a Concept during the 2007 Access to Knowledge conference:



The conference was free and open to the public. For more information click here, or visit http://isp.law.yale.edu

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