
Biotechnology 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988

(Click here for documents from 2000 to 2003)

Biotechnology Inventions: What Can We Learn From Patents?, 1999.
Author: D. Johnson / Wellesley College Working Paper, Department of Economics, Massachusetts, USA.

Biotechnology Patents, Markets and Morality, 1999.
Author: Peter Drahos / European Intellectual Property Review.

Cómo Pueden Utilizarse los Derechos del Agricultor para Adaptar Aquellos del Obtentor, 1999.
Authors: Bees Butler, Robin Pistorius / Monitor de Biotecnología y Desarollo, N°38, p. 38-41.

Los Acuerdos de Transferencia de Material Abrirán la Caja de Pandora?, 1999.
Author: Robin Pistorius / Monitor de Biotecnología y Desarollo, N°38, p. 17-19.

Derechos del Obtentor Crean Ganadores y Perdedores, 1999.
Author: Jeroen van Wijk / Monitor de Biotecnología y Desarollo, N°38, p. 28-32.

Ethics and transgenic crops: a review, 1999.
Author: Jonathan Robinson / EJB Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile, Vol.2, N°2..

Genetically Modified Crops: The Ethical and Social Issues, 1999.
Author: Nuffield Council on Bioethics.

Identifying the needs for managing intellectual property in Latin America, 1999.
Authors: C. Falconi, S. Salazar / Report on the Workshop held in Costa Rica on 23-24 September 1999, International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR).

Intellectual property protection, biotechnology and developing countries: will the TRIPS be effective?, 1999
Authors: W.A. Kerr, J.E. Hobbs, R. Yampoin / AgBioForum, Vol. 2, N°3-4, pp. 203-211.

Intellectual Property Rights and Agricultural Biotechnology, 1999.
Author: M. Blakeney, J.I. Cohen, S. Crespi. / Managing Agricultural Biotechnology: Addressing Research Program Needs and Policy Implications.

Lo Primero Es la Semilla, Después Puede Preocuparse por las Patentes, 1999.
Author: Suri Sehgal / Monitor de Biotecnología y Desarollo, N°38, p. 36-37.

Ocho Razones por las Cuales las Patentes No Deberían Extenderse a Plantas y Animales, 1999.
Author: Lawrence Busch / Monitor de Biotecnología y Desarollo, N°38, p. 32-33.

Patentes Amplias en Biotecnología Impiden la Innovación, 1999.
Author: Jeroen van Wijk / Monitor de Biotecnología y Desarollo, N°38, p. 34-37.

Patentes, Pirateria y Falsas Promesas, 1999.
Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

Proteccion de la Propiedad Intelectual, 1999.
Author: John Barton / Biotecnologia para el Sector Agropecuario de los Paises en Desarrollo: Problemas y Oportunidades, Punto de Enfoque 2, Resumen 7 de 10, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), p.13.

Recommandation 1425 (1999), Biotechnologie et propriété intellectuelle, 1999.
Author: Assemblée Parlementaire, Conseil de l'Europe / Extrait de la Gazette officielle du Conseil de l’Europe - septembre 1999.

Reestructuración de la Industria Semillera en Función de los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual, 1999.
Author: Suri Sehgal / Monitor de Biotecnología y Desarollo, N°38, p. 42-43.

Technology Transfer and Licensing of Agricultural Biotechnologies in the International Arena, 1999.
Authors: K.M. Maredia, F.H. Erbisch, C.L. Ives, A.J. Fischer / AgBiotechNet, Vol. 1.

Why We Should Reject Biotech Patents from TRIPS, 1999.
Authors: Mae-Wan Ho and Terje Traavik / Institute of Science in Society.

Can patents deter innovation? The anticommons in biomedical research, 1998.
Authors: M.A. Heller, R.S. Eisenberg / Science, Vol. 280, pp. 698-701.

Derechos de propiedad intelectual y flujos de Germoplasma en Centroamérica, Primera Parte, 1998.
Jorge Cabrera-Medaglia / Acta Académica, Universidad Autónoma de Centro América.

Experiencias del ISNAR Respecto a los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual y la Investigación Biotecnológica Agropecuaria, 1998.
Authors: César Falconi, John Komen y Joel Cohen / Documento preparado para el Seminario Centroamericano sobre propiedad Intelectual y su Relación con la Biotecnología y Biodiversidad, organizado por la Secretaria de Integración Económica Centroamericana (SIECA) - Proyecto de Propiedad Intelectual, San José, Costa Rica, Febrero 12-13, 1998.

Intellectual property rights and concentration in agricultural biotechnology, 1998.
W. Lesser / AgBioForum, Vol. 1, N°2, pp. 56-61.

Interface between International Intellectual Property and Environmental Protection: Biodiversity and Biotechnology, 1998.
Charles M.McManis / Washington University Law Quarterly, Vol. 6, N°1.

Proprietary biotechnology inputs and international agricultural research, 1998.
Authors: J.I. Cohen, C. Falconi, J. Komen, M. Blakeney / Briefing Paper, International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR), N°39.

Some Ethically Problematic Aspects of the Proposal For a Directive on the Legal Protection of Biotechnological Inventions, 1998.
Sigrid Sterckx / Editorial, European Intellectual Property Review, 20(4), 123-128.

The TRIPS Agreement Without a Competition Agreement?, 1998.
Authors: T. Cottier, I. Meitinger / Working Paper, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, N° 65.

TRIPS, Biotechnology and Global Competition, 1998.
G. Alam / Briefing Paper, Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS), N°2.

Propiedad Intelectual y Biotecnologia,
Silvia Salazar / Revista Propiedad Intelectual en la Integracion Economica de Centroamerica, SIECA, Año 1, N°1.


Biodiversity, Biotechnology and Patents in Brazil
David Hathaway.

Intellectual Property Rights and Research Tools in Molecular Biology: Summary of a Workshop Held at the National Academy of Sciences, February 15-16, 1996, 1996.
National Research Council / National Academy Press, Washington DC

La Biotecnologia puede agravar problemas del agro, 1996.
Vandana Shiva / Revista del Sur, N°52-53

Eight reasons why patents should not be extended to plants and animals
L. Busch / Biotechnology and Development Monitor, N°24, p.24

Agricultural Crop Issues and Policies. Managing global genetic resources
Board on Agriculture, National Research Council / National Academy Press, Washington DC.

Biotechnology, Indigenous Peoples and Intellectual Property Rights, 1993.
Authors: J.R. Axt, M.L. Corn, M. Lee, D.M. Ackerman / Congressional Research Service. Washington DC: The Library of Congress.

Intellectual Property Rights for Agricultural Biotechnology: Options and Implications for Developing Countries, 1993.
Authors: Jeroen van Wijk, Joel I. Cohen, John Komen / ISNAR Research Report, A Biotechnology Research Management Study, N°3.

Intellectual Property Rights and U.S.-Japan Competition in Biotechnology: Report of a Workshop
Committee on Japan, National Research Council / Workshop held on 18 January 1991, National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC.

Patent Protection for Animals; Once-Mouse/Harvard,
Volker Vossius / Case Comment, European Intellectual Property Review, 12(7), 250-254.

New Developments in Biotechnology: Field-Testing Engineered Organisms: Genetic and Ecological Issues
Author: United States Congress – Office of Technology Assessment.

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