
Health 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995

Documents from 2001 to 2003 (click)

A Briefing on TRIPS, 2000.
Author: World Health Organization, Regional Office for the Western Pacific, Manila.

Access to essential medicines in developing countries: does the WTO TRIPS Agreement hinder it?, 2000
Author: J. Watal / Science, Technology and Development Discussion Paper, No. 8.

A patent policy proposal for global diseases, 2000.
J. Olson Lanjouw.

Drug patents in French-speaking Africa, 2000.
P. Boulet, Gilles-Bernard Forte / Unofficial translation of the MSF-WHO-UNAIDS report, Joint Mission MSF-OMS-ONUSIDA, Cameroun, 6-10 February 2000.

Drug pricing [in South Africa], 2000.
Authors: A. Gray, T. Matsebula / South African Healt Review 2000, Briefing Summary, Health Systems Trust.

El ABC del Patentamiento de la Vida, 2000.
Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

El Sistema de Patentes en Crisis? Practicas de Patentamiento Farmaceutico, 2000.
Carlos Correa.

Essential Drugs in Southern Africa Need Protection from Public Health Safeguards under TRIPS, 2000.
R. Loewenson / BRIDGES, ICTSD, Vol. 4, N°7, September 2000.

Global trade and health: key linkages and future challenges, 2000.
Authors: Douglas W. Bettcher, Derek Yach, G. Emmanuel Guindon / Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Vol. 78, N°4.

How Stronger Patent Protection in India might affect the Behavior of Transnational Pharmaceutical Industries, 2000.
Carsten Fink / Policy Research Working Paper, The World Bank Development Research Group, N°2352.

Integrating Public Health Concerns into Patent Legislation in Developing Countries, 2000.
C. Correa / South Centre.

Patent Law and Its Application to the Pharmaceutical Industry: An Examination of the Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Extension Act of 1984., 2000.
Authors: W. Schacht, J. Thomas / Congressional Research Service Documents, Washington, D.C., USA.

Patent Protection and Access to HIV/AIDS Pharmaceuticals in Sub-Saharan Africa., 2000.
Authors: Lee Gillespie-White, Venus Griffith, Albena Petrova, Stetson Sanders, Paul Salmon / International Intellectual Property Institute (IIPI).

Patent situation of HIV/AIDS-related drugs in 80 countries, 2000.
Authors: P. Boulet, J. Perriens, F. Renaud-Théry / Joint UNAIDS/WHO publication.

Pharmaceuticals and the WTO TRIPS Agreement: Questions and Answers, 2000.
Authors: P. Boulet, J. Perriens, F. Renaud-Théry, G. Velasquez / Joint UNAIDS/WHO publication.

Report of the Inter-Regional Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights in the Context of Traditional Medicine, 2000.
World Health Organisation (WHO) / Bangkok, Thailand, 6–8 December 2000.

The Pharmaceutical Industry and World Intellectual Property Standards, 2000.
F. M. Scherer / Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 53, N°6.

The Canadian Generic Medicines Panel A Dangerous Precedent in Dangerous Times, 2000.
R. Howse / BRIDGES, ICTSD, Vol. 4, N°3, April 2000.

The Long Shadow of Patent Expiration: Do RX to OTC Switches Provide an Afterlife?, 2000.
Authors: Ernst R. Berndt, Davina Ling and Margaret K. Kyle / paper presented at the National Bureau of Economic Research - Conference on Research in Income and Wealth, Symposium on Scanner Data and Price Indexes, Arlington, Virginia, September 15-16, 2000.

The TRIPS Agreement and pharmaceuticals: report of the ASEAN workshop on the TRIPS agreement and its impact on pharmaceuticals, 2000.
Authors: K. Timmermans, T. Hutadjulu / Directore General of Drug and Food Control (Indonesia) and World Health Organization (WHO).

World Trade Organisation agreements: implications for equity and health in Southern Africa, 2000.
G. Munot / Equinet Policy Series, Regional Network for Equity in Health in Southern Africa
(EQUINET) and Southern African Development Community (SADC) Health Sector Co-ordinating Unit, N°4.

Essential drugs in the new international economic environment, 1999.
Authors: G. Velasquez, P. Boulet / Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Vol. 77, N°3.

Globalization and Access to Drugs. Perspectives on the WTO/TRIPS Agreement, 1999.
Authors: G. Velasquez, P. Boulet / WHO Health Economics and Drugs, DAP Series, N°7.

Intellectual Property Rights and the Pharmaceutical Industry The Consequence of Incomplete Protection, 1999.
William McArthur / in Competitive Strategies for the Protection of Intellectual Property, edited by Owen Lippert, The Fraser Institute, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 85-104.

L'OMS se penche sur les rapports entre commerce et produits pharmaceutiques, 1999.
Valery Abramov / Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS).

TRIPS and Pharmaceuticals, 1999.
Eva Ombaka / Echoes, the World Council of Churches' cluster on "Issues and Themes", Justice, Peace and Creation team.

Can patents deter innovation? The anticommons in biomedical research, 1998.
Authors: M.A. Heller, R.S Eisenberg / Science, N°280, pp. 698-701.

Pharmaceuticals: the role of biotechnology and patents, 1998.
Author: J. Dumoulin, J./ Biotechnology and Development Monitor, N°35, p.13-15

The Introduction of Pharmaceutical Product Patents in India: Heartless Exploitation of the Poor and Suffering, 1998.
J. Olson Lanjouw / National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper, N°6366

Health Economics: The Uruguay Round and Drugs, 1997.
Carlos M. Correa / WHO.

Product Patent Reform and its Impact on Korea's Pharmaceutical Industry, 1996.
Sumner J. La Croix, Akihiko Kawaura / International Economic Journal, Vol. 10, N°1, Spring 1996.

Alternative Drug Pricing Policies in the Americas, 1995.
A.Z. Sarmiento / Health Economics and Drugs, DAP Series, WHO, N°1.
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