

Intellectual Property Rights in the International Trading System 10 Years After Marrakech:
A Policy Dialogue

Organised by ICTSD and the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)

24 September 2004, Stockholm

Agenda | Participants | Documents

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Ricardo Melendez-Ortiz, Executive Director, ICTSD (moderator)

The Economic Implications for Developing Countries of the TRIPS Agreement 10 Years On

Keith E. Maskus, Professor of Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder

What were the economic expectations of developing countries with regard to the TRIPS Agreement?
Have these expectations been fulfilled?
How can we increase the opportunities for technology transfer under the current framework of the TRIPS Agreement?
What can developing countries do to improve opportunities and reduce cost arising from the TRIPS Agreement?

The TRIPS Agreement in an Historical Perspective

Pedro Roffe, Director of the UNCTAD/ICTSD IPRs and Development Project

Why has the TRIPS Agreement entailed such a significant change in international IP relations?
Has TRIPS provided opportunities for developing countries to implement the new minimum standards of protection with due consideration to their development requirements?
Has the Doha Declaration significantly improved access to medicines by developing countries?
What are the main features of the TRIPS phenomenon?

The Negotiations on GIs in the TRIPS Council

Dwijen Rangnekar, University of Warwick

What were the WTO Members' expectations regarding GI protection under the TRIPS Agreement?
Have these expectations been fulfilled?
Which is the economic rational for GI protection?
Which is the status of the negotiation of an international registration and notification system on wines and spirits?
What will the impact of the expansion of the higher protection of GIs to products other than wines and spirits be?

Regional and Bilateral Agreements: The TRIPS-plus Backdoor

David Vivas, Programme Manager, ICTSD

Which are the main trends in IP regional and bilateral agreements?
Which are the links between current regional and bilateral processes and the TRIPS agreement?
Are regional and bilateral trade agreements undermining the Doha Declaration?
Have we addressed biodiversity concerns in the new generation of regional and bilateral agreements?


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