
General resources on IPRs 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1990 1989

Documents from 2002 to 2004 (click)

Action Aid Press Statement on Draft Ministerial Declaration in Doha, 2001.
Author: Action Aid.

Avoiding Intellectual Property Problems, 2001.
Author: Thomas G. Field Jr / Basic IP Information, Franklin Pierce Law Center.

Basic Facts about Trademarks, 2001.
Author: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Bilateralism in Intellectual Property, 2001.
Author: Peter Drahos / Oxfam.

Does Intellectual Property Protection Spur Technological Change?, 2001.
Authors: Sunil Kanwar, Robert E. Evenson / Center Discussion Paper, Economic Growth Centre, Yale University, N°831.

Exploring the Hidden Costs of Patents, 2001.
S. Macdonald / Occasional Paper 4, Quaker United Nations Office.

Indicators of the Relative Importance of IPRs in Developing Countries (draft), 2001.
S. Lall with the collaboration of M. Albaladejo / UNCTAD/ICTSD Capacity Building Project on Intellectual Property Rights and Sustainable Development.

Industrial Property, Innovation and the Knowledge-based Economy, 2001.
Authors: A. Arundel, B. Lehman, W. Fisher III, D. Foray and M. van der Steen.

Intellectual Property Law in Finland, 2001.
N. Bruun / Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Intellectual Property Rights in China: The Changing Political Economy of Chinese-American Interests, 2001.
Authors: Sumner J. La Croix, Denise Eby Konan.

Intellectual Property Rights in the Global Economy, 2001.
K. Maskus / Institute for International Economics (IIE), USA.

Intellectual Property Rights in the WTO and Developing Countries, 2001.
J. Watal / Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Internatinal Protection of Geographical Indications and Developing Countries, 2001.
S. Escudero / South Centre.

IPRs & Development: From Vision to Reality, 2001.
Dr. Kamil Idris, Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) / South Centre.

La Politique Commerciale en Action: Vers une Meilleure Reconnaissance des Droits de la Propriété Intellectuelle, 2001.
Commission Européenne.

La Propiedad Intelectual como Derecho Humano, 2001.
editado por UNESCO / Boletin de Derecho de Autor, Vol. 35, N°3.

La Propriété Intellectuelle et l'écart des Connaissances, 2001.
Oxfam International.

La protection de la propriété Intellectuelle et les flux de commerce internationaux, 2001.
Benoit Delzelle / Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Département des Sciences économiques.

Las Negociaciones sobre Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual, el Comercio y el Ambiente: Notas para una Agenda Positiva, 2001, version corta
Authors: Jorge Cabrera Medaglia, José Pablo Sánchez Hernández / Centro Internacional de Politica Economica para el Desarrollo Sostenible.

Logiciel et Propriété Intellectuelle
Jean-Pierre Archambault / Médialog, n°40.

Managing IPR – How firms protect their intellectual property rights in fast changing environments, 2001.
P. Sohlman / TU-91.167 Seminar in Strategy and International Business, Helsinky University of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Institute of Strategy and International Business.

On the Optimal Patent Policy, 2001.
Tuomas Takalo / Finnish Economic Papers, Vol. 14, N°1, Spring 2001.

Propriété intellectuelle et droits de l'homme, Résolution de la Sous-Commission des droits de l'homme 2001/21, 2001.
Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies aux Droits de l'Homme.

Propriété Intellectuelle, Préjudice et droit économique, 2001.
F. Siiriainen / Colloque du 23 Mars 2001, à la Sorbonne, consacré aux "Sciences juridiques de l'économie? Un défi pour les économistes et juristes européens!", organisé par le GDR de droit économique et le Ladef Sorbonne, sous le haut patronage de Monsieur Jack LANG, Ministre de l'Education Nationale.

R&D, Spillovers, and Intellectual Property Rights, 2001.
Walter G. Park / Department of Economics, American University, Washington DC.

Report Presented by the Intellectual Property, 2001.
Japan Committee of the Industrial Structure Council.

Rethinking international intellectual property: Biodiversity & Developing Countries, Extraterritorial Enforcement, the Grace Period, and other issues, 2001.
Authors: edited by Kraig M. Hill, Toshiko Takenaka, Kevin Takeuchi / Center for Advanced Research and Study on Intellectual Property (CASRIP) Symposium Publication Series N° 6.

The Determinants of International Knowledge Diffusion: Evidence from Cross-country Patent Citations, 2001.
Megan MacGarvie.

The economics of intellectual property protection in the global economy, 2001.
Edwin L.-C. Lai.

The Global Nature of Intellectual Property: Discussion, 2001.
Bronwyn H. Hall / Toronto IP Conference, May 2001.

Welfare Effects of a Patent Insurance - Microeconomic Evaluation and Macroeconomic Consequences, 2001.
Authors: Mette Gørtz, Merete Konnerup.

WTO Fourth Ministerial Declaration, Doha, 9-14 November 2001.

Analyze This: A Law & Economics Agenda for the Patent System, 2000.
Rebecca S. Eisenberg / Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 53, N° 6.

An Unhurried View of Private Ordering in Information Transactions, 2000.
Yochai Benkler / Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 53, N° 6.

Comments on "Lessons From Studying the International Economics of Intellectual Property Rights" by K.E. Maskus, 2000.
Paul Goldstein / Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 53, N° 6.

Copyright and Democracy: A Cautionary Note, 2000.
Christopher S. Yoo / Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 53, N° 6.

Copyright and the Perfect Curve, 2000.
Julie E. Cohen / Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 53, N° 6.

Derecho de la Propiedad Intelectual: Una perspectiva trinacional, 2000.
Manuel Becerra Ramirez (coordinador) / Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México.

Elementary and Persistent Errors in the Economic Analysis of Intellectual Property, 2000.
W. Kitch Edmund / Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 53, N° 6..

Games Economists Play, 2000.
Rochelle Cooper Dreyfuss / Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 53, N° 6.

Intellectual Property Laws of the Arab Countries, 2000.
edited by Talal Abu-Ghazaleh / Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Intellectual Property Law in Denmark, 2000.
T. Riis / Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Intellectual Property Law in Switzerland, 2000.
F. Dessemontet / Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Development, 2000.
Keith E. Maskus / Prepared for the series "Beyond the Treaties: A Symposium on Compliance with International Intellectual Property Law", organized by Fredrick K. Cox International Law Center at Case Western Reserve University.

Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Development, 2000.
Authors: Carlos A. Primo Braga, Carsten Fink, Claudia Paz Sepulveda / World Bank Discussion Paper N°142.

Intellectual Property Rights and Licensing: an Econometric Investigation, 2000.
Authors: Guifang (Lynn) Yang, Keith E. Maskus / This paper is a substantial revision of one chapter of Yang's doctoral dissertation at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Intellectual Property Rights and the New Institutional Economics, 2000.
Robert P. Merges / Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 53, N° 6.

Intellectual Property Rights in the Global Economy, 2000.
Keith Maskus.

La Comunidad Andina Adopta Nuevo Régimen de Proteccion de los Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual, 2000.
Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN).

Lessons From Studying the International Economics of Intellectual Property Rights, 2000.
Keith E. Maskus / Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 53, N° 6.

Market Hierarchy and Copyright in Our System of Free Expression, 2000.
Neil Weinstock Netanel / Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 53, N° 6.

Modernizing Jamaica's Intellectual Property System, 2000.
B. Lehman / A Report and Recommendations prepared by the International Intellectual Property Institute under a grant from the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Of Green Tulips and Legal Kudzu: Repackaging Rights in Subpatentable Innovation, 2000.
J.H. Reichman / Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 53, N° 6.

Patents and the European Internal Market: Background & Recent developments (part 3), 2000.
Feli Martinez / CEPS Working Document, The Centre for European Policy Studies, N°155.

Patent Policy Innovations: A Clinical Examination, 2000.
J. Lerner / Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 53, N° 6.

Regulatory Standards in the WTO: Comparing Intellectual Property Rights with Competition Policy, Environmental Protection, and Core Labor Standards, 2000.
K. Maskus / Working Paper, Institute for International Economics, N°00-1.

Researching Intellectual Property Law in an International Context, 2000.
Stefanie Weigmann.

Spatial Dimension of Knowledge Spillovers in Europe: Evidence from Firm Patenting Data, 2000.
B. Verspagen, W. Schoenmakers / Paper prepared for the AEA Conference on Intellectual Property
Econometrics, 19-20 April 2000, Alicante, Spain.

Strategic Disclosure in the Patent System, 2000.
Douglas Lichtman, Scott Baker, Kate Kraus / Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 53, N° 6.

Taking the Protection-Access Tradeoff Seriously, 2000.
H.S. Perlman / Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 53, N° 6.

The Strengthening of IPRs in Developing Countries and Complimentary Legislation, 2000.
Carlos M. Correa / Report prepared upon the request of DFID (UK).

Who’s Patenting What? An Empirical Exploration of Patent Prosecution1, 2000.
John R. Allison, Mark A. Lemley / Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 53, N° 6.

Chinese Intellectual Property Law and Practice, 1999.
M.A. Cohen, E. Bang, S. Mitchell / Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Copyright, 1999.
Wendy J. Gordon, Robert G. Bone / in Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, general editors: Boudewijn Bouckaert (Univ. Ghent) and Gerrit De Geest (Univ. Ghent and Univ. Utrecht), pp.189-215.

Droits de propriété intellectuelle: théorie et enjeux, stratégie et acteurs, 1999.
Envirodev, Solagral.

Entering the Jungle The Exhaustion of Intellectual Property Rights and Parallel Imports, 1999.
Carsten Fink / in Competitive Strategies for the Protection of Intellectual Property, edited by Owen Lippert, The Fraser Institute, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 173-191.

Evidence on Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Development: A Broader Policy Perspective for China, 1999.
K. Maskus / Paper prepared for the conference "Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Development in Shanghai and the Lower Yangzi Region", Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, May 11-12, 1999.

How Stronger Protection of Intellectual Property Rights Affects International Trade Flows, 1999.
C. Fink, C. A. Primo Braga.

Imitation, Patent Protection and Welfare, 1999.
Arijit Mukherjee, Enrico Pennings / Eindhoven Centre for Innovation Studies, The Netherlands, Working Paper 00.03.

Intellectual Property: A Chip Withheld in Error, 1999.
Robert M. Sherwood / in Competitive Strategies for the Protection of Intellectual Property, edited by Owen Lippert, The Fraser Institute, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 73-84.

Intellectual Property International Encyclopaedia of Laws, 1999.
H. Vanhees / Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Intellectual Property International Encyclopaedia of Laws, 1999.
H. Vanhees / Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Intellectual Property Law in Greece, 1999.
Athanassios, Liakopoulos / Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Intellectual Property Rights and globalization: implications for developing countries, 1999.
C. Juma / Discussion Paper, Science, Technology and Development, N° 4.

Intellectual Property Policies for the Twenty-First Century: The Japanese Experience in Wealth Creation, 1999.
Hisamitsu Arai / WIPO.

Intellectual Property Rights and the Use of Compulsory Licences: Options for Developing Countries, 1999.
Carlos M. Correa / South Centre.

Le Rôle des Institutions Internationales en Matière de Propriété Intellectuelle, 1999.
Author: Marie-Gabrielle Merlin / Institut de Recherche en Propriété Intellectuelle Henry-Des Bois.

Les droits de propriété intellectuelle et leurs travers, 1999.
Author: Evdokia Möisé / L'Observateur OCDE.

Markets, Institutions, Intellectual Property Rights, and Development in a Knowledge-Based World Economy, 1999.
Michael P. Ryan / in Competitive Strategies for the Protection of Intellectual Property, edited by Owen Lippert, The Fraser Institute, Vancouver, Canada, pp.7-46.

National Innovation Summit: Working Group on Managing Intellectual Property, Framework Paper, 1999.
convened by the Department of Industry, Science and Resources and the Business Council of Australia, with the active cooperation of state governments and industry groups.

Normativa Nacional, Regional e Internacional sobre Propiedad Intelectual y su Aplicacion en los INIAs del Cono Sur, 1999.
Carlos M. Correa / Programa Cooperativo para el Desarrollo Tecnologico Agropecuario del Cono Sur (PROCISUR).

One Trip to the Dentist Is Enough Reasons to Strengthen Intellectual Property Rights through the Free Trade Area of the Americas Now, 1999.
Owen Lippert / in Competitive Strategies for the Protection of Intellectual Property, edited by Owen Lippert, The Fraser Institute, Vancouver, Canada, pp.125-172.

Propiedad Intelectual: De quién fue la idea?, 1999.
UNESCO / Fuentes, N°117.

Patent Law: Bibliography Collected by the Editors, 1999.
Bouckaert, Boudewijn and De Geest, Gerrit (ed.) / in Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Univ. Ghent and Univ. Utrecht, pp.216-223.

Reaping what you sow: an empirical analysis of international patent harmonization, 1999.
P. McCalman / Center for International Development (CID), Harvard University.

Report on Copyright and Digital Distance Education, 1999.
US Copyright Office

The International Intellectual Property System, Commentary and Materials
, 1999.
F.M. Abbott, T. Cottier, F. Gurry / Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Towards the International Harmonization of Industrial Property Rights Systems in the 21st Century, 1999.
The International Affairs Committee, The Industrial Property Council, Japan.

150 Years of Patent Protection, 1999.
Josh Lerner.

A Mouse in Sheep's Clothing: The Challenge to the Patent Morality Criterion Posed by "Dolly", 1998.
Amanda Warren / European Intellectual Property Review, 20(12), 445-452.

El Proceso de la Seccion Especial 301 de Estados Unidos, 1998.
Perspectivas Económicas, La Propiedad Intelectual en el Mercado Mundial, Publicación electrónica del Servicio Informativo y Cultural de Estados Unidos (USIS), Vol. 3, N°2, mayo de 1998.

Funktionen und Schutz von „property rights“, Eine ökonomische Analyse, 1998.
Author: D. Schmidtchen / Discussion Paper, Center for the Study of Law and Economics, N°9804.

Innovation Dynamics in Services: Intellectual Property Rights as Indicators and Shaping Systems in Innovation, 1998.
Authors: Brigitte Andersen, Jeremy Howells / Centre for Research on Innovation and Competition (Manchester), Discussion Paper N°8.

L'Article Spécial 301 de la Loi sur le Commerce Extérieur, 1998.
Author: Perspectives économiques, revue électronique de l'Agence d'information des États-Unis, Vol. 3, N° 3, 1998.

La Propriété Intellectuelle dans les Pays en Développement: Problèmes et Possibilités, 1998.
Author: Perspectives économiques, revue électronique de l'Agence d'information des États-Unis, Vol. 3, N° 3, 1998.

La Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle et la Mondialisation de l'Economie, 1998.
Author: Bruce Lehman / Perspectives économiques, revue électronique de l'Agence d'information des États-Unis, Vol. 3, N° 3, 1998.

Le Rôle de la Propriété Intellectuelle sur le Marché Mondial, 1998.
Author: Débat entre M. Peter Fowler, Mme Deborah Hurley, M. Robert Sherwood et M. Eric Smith / Perspectives économiques, revue électronique de l'Agence d'information des États-Unis, Vol. 3, N° 3, 1998.

Propiedad Intelectual en el Mundo en Desarrollo: Dificultades y Oportunidades, 1998.
Authors: Ralph Oman, Judith M. Saffer, Karl F. Jorda, Salli A. Swartz, Steven Robinson / Perspectivas Económicas, La Propiedad Intelectual en el Mercado Mundial, Publicación electrónica del Servicio Informativo y Cultural de Estados Unidos (USIS), Vol. 3, N°2, mayo de 1998.

Report of the Planning Subcommittee of the Industrial Property Council - To the better understanding of pro-patent policy -, 1998.
The Planning Subcommittee of the Industrial Property Council, Japan.

Sistema de Patentes en México, 1998.
Author: Pedro Posada de la Concha / Serie de Documentos de Trabajo, Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, Dirección Adjunta de Política Científica y Tecnológica.

Are weak patent rights a barrier to U.S. exports?, 1997.
Pamela J. Smith / Journal of International Economics, N°48, pp. 151-177.

Confinamientos de la Razon: Monopolios Intelectuales. Un Material de Apoyo sobre Conocimiento Local, Biodiversidad y Propiedad Intelectual, 1997.
The Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI) / Preparado para el Programa de Desarrollo y Conservación de la Biodiversidad en Comunidades de Pequeños Agricultores (CBDC Programme).

Intellectual Property Laws in the Hong Kong S.A.R.: Localization and Internationalization, 1997.
Paul Tackaberry / Mc Gill Law Journal, Vol. 42, p.580.

Intellectual Property Protection in the Republic of Georgia, 1997.
Bruce A. McDonald.

Intellectual Property Rights and Product Effectiveness, 1997.
Authors: Stephen P. A. Brown, William C. Gruben / Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Fourth Quarter 1997

Regulating Patent Holders: Local Working Requirements and Compulsory Licenses at International Law, 1997.
M. Halewood / Osgood Hall Law Journal, Vol. 35, N°2, pp.1-45.

States and intellectual property: the past, the present and the future, 1997.
Author: P. Drahos / in From Berne to Geneva: Recent Developments in Copyright and Neighbouring Rights, by D. Saunders and B. Sherman. Brisbane, Australian Key Centre for Cultural and Media Policy and Impart Corporation, pp.47-70.

The 19th Information Committee of the Industrial Property Council in Japan, 1997.
Committee of the Industrial Property Council in Japan.

The International Regulation of Intellectual Property, 1997.
Keith E. Maskus / Paper prepared for the IESG Conference, “Regulation of International Trade and Investment,”
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, September 12-14, 1997.

US Foreign Policy and Intellectual Property Rights in Latin America, 1997.
Authors: Edgardo Buscaglia, Clarisa Long / Essays in Public Policy, Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Extending Patent Life: Is it in Australia’s Economic Interests?, 1996.
Authors: Nicholas Gruen, Ian Bruce, Gerard Prior / The Industry Commission, Commonwealth of Australia.

Innovation and the Intellectual Property System, 1996.
edited by A. Webster, K. Packer / Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Intellectual Property, Trade, and Economic Development: A Road Map for the FTAA Negotiations, 1996.
Authors: Robert M. Sherwood and Carlos A. Primo Braga / The North-South Agenda, Paper N°21.

International Licensing of Intellectual Property: The Promise and the Peril, 1996.
Nicolas S. Gikkas / Journal of Technology Law and Policy, University of Florida College of Law, Vol. 1, Issue 1.

Protection of "Products Directly Obtained by Processes" According to Article 64(2) EPC, 1996.
Jobst Wibbelmann / European Intellectual Property Review, 18(3), 174-176.

Trade Promotion in Developing Countries. The Prospects after the Conclusion of the Uruguay Round, 1996.
J. Wiemann / German Development Institute (GDI).

Intellectual Property Protection, Market Orientation and Location of Overseas R&D Activities by Multinational Enterprises, 1995.
Nagesh Kumar / Discussion Paper Series, INTECH/UNU, N°9501.

Patentes, propiedad intelectual y biodiversidad en Bolivia, 1995.
Carlos Tovar M., Consultor del Proyecto RLA/92/G 32 / Programa Panamericano de Defensa y Desarrollo de la Diversidad biológica, cultural y social (ProDiversitas).

Biodiversidad y derechos de propiedad intelectual en el sistema jurídico del Perú, 1994.
Jorge Cayllaux Zazzali, Consultor del Proyecto RLA/92/G 32 / Programa Panamericano de Defensa y Desarrollo de la Diversidad biológica, cultural y social (ProDiversitas).

El régimen de propiedad intelectual en Ecuador, 1994.
Francisco Bustamante, Consultor del Proyecto RLA/92/G 32 / Programa Panamericano de Defensa y Desarrollo de la Diversidad biológica, cultural y social (ProDiversitas).

NAFTA and GATT Intellectual Property Issues, 1994.
Ladas & Parry.

Patents and intellectual property rights in Guyana, 1994.
Barton Scotland, Consultant Project RLA/92/G 32 / Programa Panamericano de Defensa y Desarrollo de la Diversidad biológica, cultural y social (ProDiversitas).

Patentes, propiedad intelectual y biodiversidad en Colombia, 1994.
Clara Rojas, Consultora del Proyecto RLA/92/G 32 / Programa Panamericano de Defensa y Desarrollo de la Diversidad biológica, cultural y social (ProDiversitas).

The operation of the patent and intellectual property right system of Suriname from a legal stand point, 1994.
Reggy M. Nelson / Programa Panamericano de Defensa y Desarrollo de la Diversidad biológica, cultural y social (ProDiversitas).

Global Dimensions of Intellectual Property Rights in Science and Technology, 1993.
Authors: Mitchel B. Wallerstein, Mary E. Mogee, and Robin A. Schoen, Editors; National Research Council.

Derecho de la Propiedad Industrial e Intelectual, 1992.
David Rangel Medina / Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México.

Intellectual Property World Desk Reference, A Guide to Practice by Country, State and Province, 1992.
edited by T.M.S. Hemnes / Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Strengthening Protection of Intellectual Property in Developing Countries: A Survey of the Literature, 1990.
Authors: Wolfgang E. Siebeck (editor) with Robert E. Evenson, William Lesser, and Carlos A. Primo Braga / World Bank Discussion Papers, N°112.

The Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and Industrial Technology Development in Brazil, 1989.
Caudio R. Frischtak / The World Bank Industry and Energy Department Working Paper, Industry Series Paper, N°13.
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